Tabletag is created after pulling data in aspose version 4.0

I Aspose version v4.0 We are trying to generate merge document
Input : word doc
output: PDF
Version :
Access token:
When tried to generate merge document extra table tag like <> <<>are generated which is not happening in version1.1
Attaching both pdfs for reference.
v1.1 0055225 Generic Interaction Merge Template-1 (1)(1)-Merged.PDF (946.8 KB)

V4_0055225 Generic Interaction Merge Template-1 (1)(1)-Merged.PDF (947.0 KB)

You can refer sample code below:
public String executeTemplateMerge(String FileName, String dataFile) {
String DocName, httpRequestMethod;
try {
strURI = Aspose.BaseProductUri + ‘/words/’ + FileName + ‘/executeTemplate?cleanup=ContainingFields,EmptyParagraphs,UnusedFields,UnusedRegions,RemoveTitleRow,RemoveTitleRowInInnerTables’;
signedURI = AsposeUtils.Sign(strURI);
httpRequestMethod = ‘POST’;
FileName = FileName.replace(’ ', ‘%20’);
signedURI = Aspose.BaseProductUri + ‘/words/’ + FileName + ‘/MailMerge?withRegions=True&cleanup=UnusedFields&useWholeParagraphAsRegion=False&destFileName=merge_’+FileName;
accessToken = GetJWT();
httpRequestMethod = ‘PUT’;
String strJSON = AsposeUtils.ProcessCommand(signedURI, httpRequestMethod, dataFile, ‘json’, accessToken);
//String downloadURL = null;
Map<String, Object> params = (Map<String, Object>) JSON.deserializeUntyped(strJSON);
Map<String, Object> doc = (Map<String, Object>) params.get(‘Document’);
DocName = (String) doc.get(‘FileName’);

        return DocName;
    catch (Exception ex) {
        system.debug('ASPOSE Merge Service Exception : '+ex);
        throw new DataSourceException('ASPOSE Merge Service Exception : '+ex);

public with sharing class AsposeUtils {
public static String ProcessCommand(String strURI, String strHttpCommand, String strContent, String ContentType, String accessToken) {
try {
HttpRequest request = new HttpRequest();
Integer len = 0;
if (strContent != null && strContent != ‘’) {
len = strContent.length();

        if(TEST.isRunningTest() ){
        	return AhmConstants.ASPOSE_MOCK_RESPONSE_MERGE_CALL;
        } else{
        	Http http = new Http();
        	HttpResponse res = http.send(request);
        	return res.getBody();
    } catch (Exception ex) {

        throw new DataSourceException('ASPOSE Service Exception : '+ex);
        return null;


Thanks in advance.

Could you please generate a shortened document version that can be reproduced? It’s challenging to understand what you mean by such a large document.


With Aspose version v4.0 we are trying again to produce a merge document with less data which creates 21 pages. The same issue has occurred with additional table tags such as <> <>.

Attaching pdfs for reference:
Generic Interaction Merge Template-Merged_4_Participant.PDF (80.9 KB)

This is occurring in Aspose verison 1.1 as well.

Thanks for the additional information; we are investigating this issue.

Any further information on this?

This issue is in the testing phase. As you mentioned, it happens in both versions, so we are working closely to fix it without breaking existing behavior.

Also, please share your latest template for testing to be more precise.


With Aspose version v4.0 we are trying again to produce a merge document with less data which creates 15 pages. The same issue has occurred with additional table tags such as <> <>.

Attaching pdfs for reference:
Generic Interaction Merge Template-Merged_v4.PDF (61.9 KB)

Could you please share the template, not a PDF file? Also, please share the shortened data you mentioned above.

Shortened Template:
Merge Template.docx (18.4 KB)

Thanks for sharing the template. Could you also share shortened data for your template? As you said, you have one that produces 15 pages.

Hi @yaroslaw.ekimov ,
When trying to generate a merge document additional table tags like <> <> are generated in version 4.0 which is not happening in version 1.1.

Same template is using in both version: Interaction Merge Template.docx (19.1 KB)

Version 1.1 generate doc/pdf:
Interaction Merge Template-Merged_V1_1.docx (14.3 KB)
Interaction Merge Template-MergedV1_1.PDF (36.9 KB)

Version 4.0 generate doc/pdf:
Interaction Merge Template-Merged_V4.docx (19.2 KB)
Interaction Merge Template-Merged_V4.PDF (43.4 KB)

You shared above that the issue happens on both versions 1.1 and 4.0. Now you say it works on 1.1 and doesn’t on 4.0.
Also, please share data for merge, I couldn’t reproduce issue without test data.

Hi @yaroslaw.ekimov,

The data of merge: Data.docx (25.0 KB)

Thank you for sharing the data.

You shared data for another template, as Data.docx doesn’t contain data for Interaction Merge Template.docx