Ruby: Drawing Shapes in Word Document throws Filemanager has not been initialized Exception

I’m having this issue, I’m using aspose-words-cloud-ruby

This is the version of the gem and its dependencies:
aspose_words_cloud (21.12.0)
faraday (>= 1.4.1)
marcel (>= 1.0.0)
multipart-parser (>= 0.1.1)

I cannot work with the latest version of the gem because it is not compatible with my ruby version, I’m using ruby 2.5.7 and Rails 5.0.7

This is how I’m implementing it:
AsposeWordsCloud.configure do |config|
config.client_data[‘ClientId’] = CLIENT_ID
config.client_data[‘ClientSecret’] = CLIENT_SECRET
@words_api =
request = document_name, folder: folder_name, storage: ‘S3’)
response = @words_api.get_document_drawing_objects(request)

Also I’ve validated the storage connection here and it returns the Valid connection response

Is there something else I need to set up in my ruby script?

Also, testing the API here Aspose.Words Cloud - API References when I add my credentials, it is showing this error: " Auth Error TypeError: Failed to fetch"

Screen Shot 2023-02-02 at 11.13.34 AM.png (5.1 KB)
Screen Shot 2023-02-02 at 11.11.38 AM.png (3.1 KB)


As the error message suggests, the specified storage ‘S3’ is not associated with your account. Please double check your dashboard for available storage names and pass the correct storage name in the API call. Hopefully, it will resolve the issue. Otherwise, please share your credentials(Client Id and Secret) via a private message. We will investigate the issue and guide you.

@tilal.ahmad thanks for your quick response.
That was the issue, I was setting wrongly the storage.

a suggestion, it would be clearer in the docs that we need to use the storage we have previously created.

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Thanks for your feedback, and it is good to know that you have managed to resolve the issue. We will look into your suggestion and make the necessary changes to the documentation.