I want to upload a file from local to aspose dashboard, can you help me.
Screenshot (60).png (107.4 KB)
Please find sample code to upload a file from local drive to Cloud storage. Hopefully, it will help you to accomplish the task.
api_client = asposewordscloud.ApiClient()
api_client.configuration.host = 'https://api.aspose.cloud'
api_client.configuration.api_key['api_key'] = 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx' # Put your appKey here
api_client.configuration.api_key['app_sid'] = 'xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxx' # Put your appSid here
words_api = asposewordscloud.WordsApi(api_client)
filename = '02_pages.docx'
remote_name = 'TestPostDocumentSaveAs.docx'
dest_name = 'TestPostDocumentSaveAs.html'
#upload file to storage
request_upload = asposewordscloud.models.requests.UploadFileRequest(filename,remote_name)
response_upload = words_api.upload_file(request_upload)