Document generate issue in version 4.0 where it is working fine in version 1.1

In v4.0 if multiple persons are added to merge document there is no line break, where as in v1.1 it is working.
Document which is going to merge:
D4P_Digital_Invite.docx (259.8 KB)

Response value in V4.0:
D4P_Digital_Invite-Merged_V4.PDF (314.9 KB)

AsposeV4Doc.png (40.8 KB)

Response value in V1.1:
D4P_Digital_Invite-Merged_V1.1.PDF (320.5 KB)

AsposeV1.1Doc.png (57.1 KB)

Please look into this issue.


Sorry for the inconvenience; I’ll check on my end and get back to you with the results.

Hi @yaroslaw.ekimov ,
Any update on this issue? Our client looking for this update can you please help me with resolution ?

Could you please share a data file so I can test it? I can’t reproduce this issue with my test data.

Hi @yaroslaw.ekimov , This is data which is in the JSON format: CRT-1787_Data_in_JSON.docx (14.3 KB)

We used this data in both versions(1.1,4.1).

Thank you. I reproduced the issue above, and I’ll connect with my colleagues to come up with a solution

Do you have any update on resolution? Let me know when I can expect a resolution on this?

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSCLOUD-2730

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

I’m afraid the ticket is still waiting to be analyzed. I hope I’ll get back to you with the results soon.


Do you have any update on this?

I proceed with this task to our on-premise team as differences occur not because of API.

Any new update on this issue?

Yes, we are on the way to fix this difference between versions. Thank you for your patience.

Did you find the root cause and fix for V4.0?

This fix will be available soon.

Do we have any date for that? This will help us to plan our release.

This issue has been fixed and will be released in the upcoming release, which is today or tomorrow morning.

Can you please confirm if this fix is released and we can check from our side?

The release process is ongoing, and I’ll notify you once it is finished

Hi We are hoping for an update as our clients are still experiencing issues with merged documents daily. Do you have an ETA for this release? Thanks