Convert to PDF fails


I have been successfully using the API endpoint to convert Excel files to PDF up until last week. However, I am currently encountering persistent errors with this functionality. I am unsure of what changes might have caused this issue.

I have attached the relevant details for your reference and would greatly appreciate your assistance in resolving this matter.

@thomp361 ,

Please tell us the approximate time frame for this to occur and your client ID. We check it ASAP.

@thomp361 ,

Can you provide more specific error information? For example, 502 Bad Gateway or requestId.

Please find my client ID here: 1e897b96-183f-4c20-87e9-1842e8c5c7f5

if I select more files, around 7 or 8, there seems to be a timeout issue.

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): SUP-5834

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