XML data into PDF fields

Is it possible to have an XML file in our cloud files, along with a PDF that has fields, and then put the XML data in the PDF fields?
I’m using the PHP PDF library. The closest function I found was putXmlInStorageToPdf(), but I don’t think that does what I’m looking for.
My goal for this is to reduce the number of API calls and speed up the process. It’s currently taking 2-18 minutes to update all the fields on the PDF. The Aspose server speed seems to vary greatly.


You can import XML data into PDF document. Please check if the following API methods suit your requirements.

GET ​/pdf​/{name}​/import​/xml Import from XML file (located on storage) to PDF format and return resulting file in response

POST ​/pdf​/{name}​/import​/xml Update fields from XML file in request

PUT ​/pdf​/{name}​/import​/xml Update fields from XML file in storage

Thank you! This was exactly what I needed. It’s working. I’m using the function putImportFieldsFromXmlInStorage() in the PHP library.

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Thanks for your feedback. It is good to know that your requirement has been accomplished.