Words Breaking Changes In API?

Are you updating the API?

My API usage log reports that this call is successfull:
DELETE http://api.aspose.cloud/v4.0/words/Yz3jTw0P0AidB44H58bfusedUUfip4j0R9jMhm33.docx/headersfooters

But PHP reports:
Aspose ApiException [null,"[object] (Aspose\\Words\\ApiException(code: 504): [504] Error connecting to the API (https://api.aspose.cloud/v4.0/words/Yz3jTw0P0AidB44H58bfusedUUfip4j0R9jMhm33.docx/headersfooters?folder=foo) ...

Then a few seconds later I’m getting the following error with code that used to work:
Undefined property: Aspose\Words\Model\SaveResponse::$getSaveResult {""exception":"[object] (ErrorException(code: 0): Undefined property: Aspose\\Words\\Model\\SaveResponse::$getSaveResult at ...

No, right now there is no changes on production.

Hmm, problem must be at my end then.

Thanks for the quick response. :+1:

No problem; if you have any questions, do not hesitate to ask.