We are currently experiencing a major outage with Aspose, as reflected on the Status page: https://status.aspose.cloud/.
The PDFs on our self-hosted instances are exhibiting the Aspose watermark.
This has been a recurring problem recently and we are not able to fulfill our services to our customers. In the past, billing seemed to have been a recurring problem. What are your plans to address this? Can you consider allowing giving all users license-ready services while the service is down?
Can you please provide more details about the specific issues you are facing with the Words API and the Aspose watermark on your PDFs?
We’re experiencing the same issue over here. Nothing useful posted on the aspose status page showing the outage.
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We’re offline as well - definitely something big going on. Worst part is we use self hosted, and that has somehow gone down too with no changes in 2 weeks (besides restarting the container when the aspose licence decides to expire with no notification). We switched back to cloud to test and still having the same issues. Think its just a sit tight and hope for the best situation, gl all.
I see everything is working now. Sorry for the inconvenience. I asked the responsible team to share why this happened again.
Here is a complete statement from the billing team.
The investigation was concluded, and we determined that a very large number of failed API calls to the /connect/token
endpoint was likely the cause of the issue. To mitigate this, we implemented a rate limiter: if a user makes more than 20 failed POST requests to /connect/token
within a minute, they will be temporarily blocked from accessing the endpoint for a cooldown period of 10 minutes. When a request is rejected, the system responds with a 429 Too Many Requests
status and includes a Retry-After
Service for converting to pdf do not work since 8:30 UTC. Please fix it !!!
The service is working fine. What error do you get? If you get 429 errors with Too many requests, you should reconsider your approach to obtaining a token
I get this message in creatio:
System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —> Aspose.Words.Cloud.Sdk.ApiException: Too Many Requests
How i can change the obtaining of the token in creatio?
You don’t need to get a token for every request, as a token lasts for 24 hours.
I also get this massage in creatio: System.InvalidOperationException: Error converting document. —> Aspose.Words.Cloud.Sdk.ApiException: Too Many Requests. How to fix that problem ?? Yesterday everything works fine, but today service respond this error code.
This error occurs when your application starts sending more than 20 requests to /connect/token URL and all of them failed(you get 400 errors) this rate/limiter is needed to support correct work for all other clients. So, you need to check your code to avoid multiple initialization WordsApi instances. So, maybe you create an instance for every request.
Okay, but in Creatio, we make that call every time we generate a document (30 calls per day). For example, yesterday from our production environment, we made 8 calls, but only 2 returned PDFs. The rest encountered the issue ‘Too many requests,’ which is unacceptable in a production environment.
Please share your client id, I will check the logs
Thanks for sharing the ID. The admin team requested the IP from which you send requests. They will use it to track all the requests that are sent from this IP to find out why rate/limiter blocks you
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We are using aspose with Creatio as well.
Randomly we started getting the same errors (error 400 in the aspose usage log) and the error ‘System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. → Aspose.Words.Cloud.Sdk.ApiException: Too Many Requests’ in Creatio.
This is a temporary error, but it has an impact on the work of many employees.
For us, the first day of issue was 20/02/25 and we noticed it again yesterday (06/03/2025). We started using this service a year ago and this type of problem only started on these dates.
I must also send the client id /server ip ? So that the admin team can analyse the case?
Is this type of problem common among Creatio users?
The admin team shared that they adjusted the rules for filtering requests to /connect/token. For now, the user gets 429 Too many requests exceptions if it fails to get a token with credentials. So if you pass invalid credentials and try to get a token more than 5 times, those credentials will be banned for 10 minutes before they are allowed to be used again.
If I’m interpreting your reply correctly. The problem is on the side of the app (code/requests) created by creatio and not from your service/server?
I don’t have access to that plugin, as we are not its maintainers. However, the admin team found that some users/spammers/bots send incorrect data for /connect/token, which made that service work slowly and then fail, so that is why such a rate/limiter was introduced.