Word document Mail Merge API of Aspose.Words Cloud is overwriting original Template

Hi there,

We are using Aspose Cloud and have found that ever since the release of v17.7 yesterday, performing a document merge based on mergefields is overwriting our original template.

His this functionality changed? Is there a parameter we should be sending through?


Thank you for contacting Aspose Support.

We regret the inconvenience you may have faced. We are trying to reproduce the issue at our end, but need more information about what went wrong. Can you please share the exact scenario and if possible the accompanying files that you noticed the issue with? We will get back to you as soon as we have a solution.

Thank you for your patience.

Kind Regards,
Mateen Sajjad

Hi there,

We have no confirmed that somewhere along the line the generation of a document from a template has changed. Previously, the generated document would have a GUID appended to the end of the filename, this is no longer the case, and hence the resulting document now overwrites the original template.

Can you please inform us as to when/how this change was made? We’ve been looking through changelogs and release notes all day but can’t seem to see where/why this was changed - and whether or not it’s a bug


We have just been informed by our product team that this issue has been fixed. The output filename will now consist of the template filename appended to a random GUID.

If you continue facing this issue, or any other issue while using Aspose.Words for Cloud do let us know. Thank you for your patience.

Kind Regards,
Mateen Sajjad