Why the API not working properly, I am facing many issues with the API from last one month. Today it’s shows 429 status code even on new accounts. Please check this urgent as my clients are waiting to convert words to html…
Can you please provide more details about the specific issues you are facing with the API and the context in which you are receiving the 429 status code?
This error means that you send to many requests to /connect/token endpoint with incorrect data and get 400 response, to prevent overload authorization service the rate/limiter was introduced.
What is the solution for this then… I have created new account and access secret keys, still it is showing the same.
Please share the code you are using I will try to help you.
$file_url_arr = explode(‘.com’, $furl);
$file_url_doc = ‘https://’ . $cloundFront . $file_url_arr[1];
$inputFile = basename($file_url_doc);
$file_path = './uploads/doc_to_html/';
$html_file_name = uniqid(time()) . '.html';
$outputFile = $file_path . $html_file_name;
copy($file_url_doc, $file_path . $inputFile);
$wordsApi = new Aspose\Words\WordsApi('e843535e-2cb8-415f-9893-0604867d15fc', '6242440742672b98aec58df2704720ac'); //Production temporary
$request = new Aspose\Words\Model\Requests\ConvertDocumentRequest($file_path . $inputFile, "html");
$convert = $wordsApi->convertDocument($request)->getPathName();
$file = file_get_contents($convert);
it’s very urgent, please look into it immediatly as my clients are not able to convert the documents.
I suggest not to initialize WordsApi for every request you make; initialize it once and use it for all requests you need.
Okay so I am need to initialize it out of foreach loop
Also once you get too many request exception you have 10 minutes ban for this credentials, so you need to wait at least 10 minutes before next request
Can I create new id, then it will work ?
it still not working…
Please share your IP address I will ask the admin team to check your requests to /connect/token