Hey. Thank you so much for your reply. So I tried with above request body and got 200 ok message. Although I didn’t see any field created in the file when I downloaded it but for now I am assuming it is created.
Above this api, there was an api to get field:
image.png (393.2 KB)
when I passed the same file name, I got below response.
"Fields": {
"List": [
"Signature": null,
"PartialName": "field_1",
"FullName": "field_1",
"Rect": {
"LLX": 0,
"LLY": 0,
"URX": 100,
"URY": 100
"Value": null,
"PageIndex": 1,
"Height": 100,
"Width": 100,
"ZIndex": 0,
"IsGroup": false,
"Parent": null,
"IsSharedField": false,
"Flags": [
"Color": {
"A": 255,
"R": 0,
"G": 0,
"B": 0
"Contents": "",
"Margin": {
"Left": 0,
"Right": 0,
"Top": 0,
"Bottom": 0
"Highlighting": "Invert",
"HorizontalAlignment": "Left",
"VerticalAlignment": "Top",
"Border": {
"Width": 1,
"EffectIntensity": 0,
"Style": "Solid",
"Effect": "None",
"Dash": null,
"Color": null
"Links": [
"Href": "/aaoo.pdf/fields/signature/field_1",
"Rel": "self",
"Type": null,
"Title": null
"Links": [
"Href": "/aaoo.pdf/fields/signature",
"Rel": "self",
"Type": null,
"Title": null
"Code": 200,
"Status": "OK"
I am assuming that fieldName is ‘field_1’. I used the fieldName in add signature api and got below error:
image.png (226.1 KB)
"RequestId": "dfce7dfbc4d80154c389d5ca40449bb8",
"Error": {
"Code": "internalError",
"Message": "Certificate file was not provided.",
"Description": "Operation Failed. Internal error.",
"DateTime": "2025-01-25T15:42:23.7486097Z",
"InnerError": null
But I think I already provided a pfx file with password right? what certificate is it asking. Btw, I got a sample pfx file from here : Digital Certificate (PFX) which I used.