Words convert API was working fine but now it is suddenly not responding at all. One request with 15kb doc took around 5 minutes for response.
Please check this issue immediately.
curl --location --request PUT 'https://api.aspose.cloud/v4.0/words/convert?format=pdf' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer token' \
--form 'Document=@"/path/to/doc_template_sample.docx"'
We are seeing this issue too. Second time this month!
We are looking into this issue.
Sorry for the inconvenience.
we see Aspose words API is working now, can you pls update why we are seeing this issue again? clients are getting frustrated
This time it wasn’t connected to any our work. It was a cluster outage.
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We also encountered this issue. This is happening far too frequently and has a significant detrimental impact on our business’ reputation. What is being done to rectify this issue permanently?
Yesterday, there was a cluster issue that we couldn’t predict. Later that night, most of the billing services were migrated to a new cluster, and for now, it seems stable. I asked the admin team about the possibility of new failures, and if migration is completed, they told me that the most challenging part is over, and they put all their efforts into making it as stable as before.