"Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0."

When I use aspose word cloud node, I often get the error ‘Unexpected token<in JSON at position 0.’ and occasionally get the error ‘aborted’. Please tell me the reason for this type of error, and I cannot rule out the specific reason.

And how can I view the interfaces that failed calls? I don’t see any failed calls on the dashboard, but in fact, 10% of my calls failed


I am afraid we have not noticed any such errors. Please ensure you are using the latest version of Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Node. If the issue persists, then kindly share your sample script for investigation.

I am sure my version is the latest version, 23.3.0, but this error seems to occur randomly. There is a certain content that is bound to make such an error. This content will not make an error in your official website example, but calling the interface will inevitably make an error. I can test the content for you to see

 <!DOCTYPE html>
Blog html, body { font-size: 16px; }
#htmlContent {
  letter-spacing: 0px;

#htmlContent figcaption {
  padding: 6px 0 !important;
  margin: 0px !important;

#htmlContent ul,
#htmlContent ol {
  list-style: disc;

.content-code pre,
.content pre,
#htmlContent pre {
  padding: 0px !important;

.content-table table,
.content table,
#htmlContent table {
  line-height: 1.0 !important;
  width: 14.64cm !important;
  margin: 0 auto !important;
  color: #000;

#htmlContent table td,
.content table td,
.content-table table td {
  height: 0.5cm !important;
  line-height: 1.0 !important;

.content-title h1,
.content h1,
#htmlContent h1,
.content-title h2,
.content h2,
#htmlContent h2,
.content-title h3,
.content h3,
#htmlContent h3,
.content-title h4,
.content h4,
#htmlContent h4,
.content-title h5,
.content h5,
#htmlContent h5,
.content-title h6,
.content h6,
#htmlContent h6 {
  color: #000;

.content-code pre code,
.content pre code,
#htmlContent pre code {
  color: #000;

.content-todo-list .todo-list__label>input:before,
.content .todo-list__label>input:before,
#htmlContent .todo-list__label>input:before {
  border: 1px solid #000;

.content-tag blockquote,
.content blockquote,
#htmlContent blockquote {
  color: #000;

#htmlContent figcaption {
  color: #000;








图标 功能 描述
  调整垂直高度 拖动鼠标可上下移动,调整当前物体的垂直位置,按住shift等比例调整
  调整水平位置 拖动鼠标可移动物体在水平平面的位置,按住shift等比例调整
  调整旋转角度 拖动鼠标可调整物体的水平旋转角度,按住shift等比例调整
  删除 删除当前选中模型
  锁定 模型锁定后不可编辑
  批量复制 对当前设备进行批量复制,鼠标移动位置确定设备的排列方向,ctrl+鼠标滚轮调整设备间距
  复制 复制当前选中设备
  组合 可选中多个模型组合成一个孪生体进行管理,选中后再次点击即可解组
  替换模型 替换当前模型,在模型库中选择要替换的模型,可勾选是否保留原有尺寸
  垂直翻转 对当前模型进行垂直翻转
  水平翻转 对当前模型进行水平翻转







  • 显示参考图:默认勾选,勾选后显示参考图;
  • 参考图透明度:可拖动或输入透明度;
  • 旋转参考图:输入参考图的旋转角度,旋转角度以0°为参考,逆时针旋转;
  • 离地高度:参考图距离地面高度,以米为单位;
  • 设置比例尺:调整参考图大小;
  • 移动参考图:点击后拖动参考图移动;
  • 替换参考图;点击后本地上传其它图纸,可保留原图的位置与比例尺;
  • 删除:删除该参考图;




  • 显示视锥:勾选后展示摄像头视野的覆盖范围;
  • 视野距离:摄像头照射范围的最远距离;
  • 视野角度:摄像头的开合角度;
  • 设备倾角:摄像头角度与水平面之间的夹角;
  • 剔除遮挡:勾选后,碰到障碍物会剔除覆盖范围;
  • 视频源:视频地址来源;




  • 孪生体ID:起始编号必填,如批量复制三个烟感,前缀填“烟感”,起始编号填写为“1”,此时批量复制的孪生体名称依次命名为“烟感1”、“烟感”2”“烟感3”,后缀填“烟感”,则孪生体名称为“1烟感”、“2烟感”、“3烟感”。
  • 名称:单击名称同孪生体ID按钮,无需设置名称,名称保持与孪生体ID相同;勾选批量设置,名称设置方式参考孪生体ID的批量设置方式;不勾选批量设置,输入名称,则所有孪生体名称相同。


















Please zip your input document and share it with us with your sample code. We will try to replicate the issue and guide you accordingly.

example.zip (20.4 KB)
This is my example

1、execute "yarn "

2、Enter your access code into the index.mjs

3、execute “node index.mjs”


Thanks for sharing the sample document. It seems to be a document related issue, as I am getting an ESOCKETTIMEDOUT error for the conversion. So I have logged a ticket (WORDSCLOUD-2322) for further investigation. We will notify you as soon as we fix the problem.

I have also encountered ESOCKETTIMEOUT errors, sometimes aborted, and most importantly, the error I frequently encounter is’ Unexpected token<in JSON at position 0. 'Please pay close attention to this

Also, I wasted the number of request calls due to these error reports. Can you help me waive the cost


In multiple calls, I did not find the Unexpected Token error. However, we will investigate it as well.


Please note that failed API calls are not billed. However, if you have noticed some different behavior, then please share the details.

So do you have a solution for the ESOCKETTIMEOUT error


We have investigated the WORDSCLOUD-2322 issue and noticed that example.html contains a lot of links to external resources that are causing the ESOCKETTIMEDOUT error.

Please note that the Words Cloud API is forbidden from using data from the internet; it uses data stored on internal storage only. Please remove all the links to external resources. If you need some additional files, load them too. But please ensure that the additional files don’t have external links.

Thank you for your clarification. By the way, what is the size limit for a single request


Please note that we don’t have any limitations on file size, but each container(node) has limited memory. Memory consumption depends upon the file structure, as sometimes a 10MB file can take 1GB in memory while processed, and 100MB can take from 100MB to a huge number. You can try the conversion with your big flies; however, if you face any issues, you can share your input document via some free file sharing service with us for investigation.