Unexpected error: Failed to find matching between the template and the image!

I am trying to recognize an image based on a template with my own generated QR image.
The OMR file gets generated correctly but when I try to recognize an image I get an unexpected error: Failed to find matching between the template and the image!

Intuitively, I expect that if the OMR template contains no barcode elements, the image recognition would still work, and it would be faster. It seems that is not the case.

How can I embed in the template a QR image created separately?

Sample resources:
TemplateImageMatchingFailure.zip (317.0 KB)

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): OMRCLOUD-237

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Hello, @opaspm1

Regarding - “Failed to find matching between the template and the image”:
I am confirming this issue, and we will update Cloud with the solution in the nearest future.

Regarding - embedding existing QR image:
We have an online tool to markup existing templates - OMR sheet designer
With the help of background image one can mark up bubbles\barcodes\QR etc.
into an OMR recognition pattern (.omr file) this file can be used in Cloud for recognition of the scans with the same layout.

I have marked up provided scan into .omr file (see attachment
A4.zip (681,9 КБ)
It was possible by marking region in existing template as QR code:
image.png (81,0 КБ)

Thank you for the update!

But I think you are missing the point.
I want to embed an image and I want Aspose to ignore it. And because the image happens to be a QR code, Aspose fails with the mentioned error.

I do not want Aspose to process the QR code because in my use case I am processing that already before running the recognition API.
I hope this is clear.

Hello, @opaspm1

Aspose OMR did ignore unmarked barcodes and will continue to do so.

The exception “Failed to find matching between the template and the image” was caused by the position of the QR code being ambiguous to recognition algorithms.

I have added and published necessary changes to Cloud version.

Please confirm if issue is resolved.

Thank you!

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Yes, it seems to be solved.
Thank you!