Timeouts for some requests

Hi there,

I seem to be hitting timeouts for document conversion:

        words_api = AsposeWordsCloud::WordsApi.new
        result = words_api.convert_document(request)
        rescue Faraday::TimeoutError => e
          raise "Aspose Timeout Error: [#{e.message}]"

The code blows up with Net::ReadTimeout with #<TCPSocket:(closed

It seems a bit random - most of the time service functions fine, but for some requests its starting to hang and then times out. Any insights as to why it might happen?

Sorry for the inconvenience it causes you; we are aware of the issue and are working to fix it

Possibly related to the issue here (slow responses all of a sudden) - ConvertDocumentRequest took to long to convert word to pdf and response time out 504 - #12 by workflowmax2

Hi there.

We are having a similar issue when trying to convert Word to PDF, it takes around 2 to 3 minutes until it through the timeout error.

11:14 Publish Job started
11:17 An error occurred: com.aspose.words.cloud.ApiException: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: timeout

The odd part is that checking the API Usage Logs the status is always 200 ok, which means we are getting charged for the requests.

Request Start Date: 2024-05-29 11:14:10 AM
Request End Date: 2024-05-29 11:14:10 AM

It seems to be happening frequently in the last month or so, do we have a root cause for it?

Why the status for your services is not indicating this issue since you acknowledge the problem?

We are getting very frustrated with Aspose, it seems very inconsistent and the support, although free, should give more feedback on what’s happening.


Is there any update on this issue? We are also facing the same issue for our products - which is causing a lot of frustration for our customers.

Hi @yaroslaw.ekimov ,
Any updates on this issue? Now the API convert word to pdf always response timeout so our customers can not do their job.


We know the issue you’re experiencing and want to assure you that our team is working diligently to resolve it as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding.

Same issue here - urgently needs to be resolved

One of our network components was malfunctioning, but our admin team has successfully localized and resolved the issue. They are currently analyzing the cause to ensure it does not happen again. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused.

Thank you for your understanding.

@yaroslaw.ekimov , any updates on the cause? It is happening again

I contacted my colleagues from the admin team, and they told me there was an issue with the VM when it responded to the health check but failed to respond to other requests. We redeployed these VMs and will look more closely at what is happening to them. Please check that you don’t get timeouts now.

Hi @yaroslaw.ekimov thanks for the quick response. It seems ok now.

@yaroslaw.ekimov I do have this issue with Aspose.Slides Cloud, using the Java SDK with Version 24.9.0… converting one slide of a presentation into a PNG.

The request in the logs is then 200.

doing the same pptx a second time works…

I am just evaluating to use your cloud API and it’s only used by me in development… But still it happens now and then, which means like this I cannot use the API in production… It will cause to many errors for still payed requests.

If the request would really fail and I would not be charged It would be ok for me to just repeat the request… Because I really appreciate your work and your product…



Our billing service charges only for successful requests; we never send 200 OK responses if a request fails. You may try it yourself by passing the wrong arguments. API will return 400(for example), and you shouldn’t be charged any credit; if it happens, don’t hesitate to contact me again.

A post was split to a new topic: Logging issue

Happening again!

We are working on a fix