Timeout when do OCR for many documents (>50)


I have error like “Message: java.net.SocketTimeoutException: timeout
HTTP response code: 0
HTTP response body: null
HTTP response headers: null”

It happens only when I try to process many documents (more then 50). When I do 2-3 documents it is successfully processed.
If I try re-processe the document returned TIMEOUT but run it standalone, it return success.

Size of the document does not have any impact most of PDF files contains 3-10 pages (as images).

That is the settings I used:
private OCRSettingsRecognizePdf getSettingsRecognizePdf() {

    OCRSettingsRecognizePdf settings = new OCRSettingsRecognizePdf();

    return settings;

I use it in the code as simple as that:

     RecognizePdfApi api = this.getRecognizePdfApi();

    OCRSettingsRecognizePdf settings = this.getSettingsRecognizePdf();

    OCRRecognizePdfBody requestBody = new OCRRecognizePdfBody();

    try {

        // Send PDF to ASPOSE OCR to start processing
        String taskId = api.postRecognizePdf(requestBody);

This code is run by Java Batch job.
Another Batch job check the status every 5 minutes by given taskId as:

OCRResponse apiResponse = api.getRecognizePdf(taskId);

You can check server logs for 17/12/2024 - you will find more then 100 timeouts.

Maybe you have some concurrency limits for OCR process?

Another question is regarding response time on request “api.getRecognizePdf(taskId);” It takes 5-10 seconds to receive response even if it is PENDING. Is it normal?

I tried to re-run batch process for the same set of documents. Now system for them return new error:

Message: java.net.UnknownHostException: api.aspose.cloud: nodename nor servname provided, or not known
HTTP response code: 0
HTTP response body: null
HTTP response headers: null

I did not change any line of code, just re-run batch job. Could you check logs for 18/12/2024 for reason of these errors.