There seems to be a performance problem with the Aspose Cloud

There are performance issues with the Aspose Cloud. We regularly get the error “502 Bad Gateway errors”. Can you please look at this and check your servers


I am afraid we have not noticed the reported issue. Please share some more details of the issue along with the sample code and input document. We will try to replicate the issue and investigate it.

We tried the process again today. All times are UTC so you should be able to find this in your server logs. You see that already the file upload takes 1 Minute 40 Seconds for a 100k CSV file. The entire process takes almost four minutes - for some trivial operations

20230411-093619 UTC: Aspose API Test
20230411-093619 UTC: CSV folder = ./
20230411-093619 UTC: Template folder = ./templates/
20230411-093619 UTC: Output folder = ./output/
20230411-093621 UTC: ==== Processing file [./templates/1.xlsx] (1.xlsx)
20230411-093621 UTC: Uploading CSV File HupertyData.csv
20230411-093621 UTC: Uploading CSV File HupertyData.csv, 106700 bytes
20230411-093800 UTC: Uploading File 1.xlsx
/Ticket pro Mitarbeite
/Tickets pro Monat
/Tickets nach Region
20230411-093820 UTC: Importing data
20230411-093821 UTC: Recalc
20230411-094048 UTC: Downloading to ./output/1_output.xlsx

Code snippet.png (44.5 KB)


Thank you for providing the information. We will further investigate these issues.
By the way, we are planning to migrate the Cells Cloud service to address performance issues.