The storage was not found or is not associated with the application

Could not use any defined storages connected to my demo application. Is it a restriction of the free trial account ? I would like to test with azure but only upload function to recognize BarCodes is working. No File, no Directory nor storage function is working.

EDIT: In Imaging API Storage was found… strange…


Please share your sample code and credentials with us via a private message for investigation.


Thanks for sharing your credentials. I have noticed that storage is not working as expected with Aspose.BarCode Cloud API, so we logged a ticket BARCODECLOUD-658 for further investigation. Meanwhile, you can use API methods that do not use cloud storage.

GET ​/barcode​/generate Generate barcode.
POST ​/barcode​/generateMultiple Generate multiple barcodes and return in response stream

POST ​/barcode​/recognize Recognize barcode from an url or from request body. Request body can contain raw data bytes of the image with content-type “application/octet-stream”. An image can also be passed as a form field.