We have a Word template from our Client that contains Proxima font which we loaded on the Files section of our part of Aspose. When we generate a Word Output the fonts remain unchanged, however when we generate a PDF file its not retaining the fonts and reverting back to TimesNewRoman. We did get a PDF version of the file from the Vendor and when I checked the Properties they do have the right fonts. We have uploaded the ttf files for the fonts.
Can you let us know what could be the issue here?
Thank you
Can you please provide the code you are using to generate the PDF from the Word template and confirm if the font files are correctly referenced in your code?
Please share what API endpoint you use for conversion. Do you specify the FontsLocation parameter when executing conversion?
We are using the Aspose.Words API using following steps
- Execute the Merge by calling the MailMerge API
- When we download the file calling the same API and send the fontsLocation attribute if its a CustomFont which in this case it is.
- Then we delete the Merged and Template files.
What do you mean by " 2. When we download the file calling the same API and send the fontsLocation attribute if its a CustomFont which in this case it is."
When I asked about endpoints, I meant /convert or /saveAs
Your first message was about PDF does not contain the fonts, MailMerge operation doesn’t produce PDF, so that’s why I asked what endpoint you use to convert merged document to PDF.
Okay, thank you for sharing more details. May I ask you to share the font and merged document? I will analyze why fonts do not apply.
Hi, we were finally able to resolve this by providing the correct font file formats that Aspose supports and got the latest from Client which made it possible to generate the document properly. We can close this case for now. Thank you!