System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. ---> Aspose.Words.Cloud.Sdk.ApiException: Bad Gateway


We have an issue:

System.AggregateException: One or more errors occurred. —> Aspose.Words.Cloud.Sdk.ApiException: Bad Gateway

Anyone knows this issue?


We apologize for any inconvenience caused. Our team is currently investigating the issue and will resolve it promptly.

we have the same issue!
When do you think this issue will be resolved? It’s a major breakdown of our system…

we have the same issue… on PROD

we have the same issue!

We need an update.

It’s not acceptable that your status page doesn’t acknowledge the error. In the last 4 hours we’ve had no successful requests.

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Experiencing the same issue. Need this resolved ASAP

@Unicargo , @rocketwriter , @Tidy_International_UK_Ltd , @aluma.sheeta , @workflowmax2

We have restarted the service, and it is working as expected now. We are investigating the server log to identify the root cause of the problem and avoid this in the future.

Still getting unreliable connection.

502, Bad Gateway and Request Cancels.

monitoring “” we see “502 Bad Gateway” quite often

FFS Aspose! You really need to sort this out immediately

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We are encountering an increase in 502/504 errors again when trying to call Aspose Cloud Words/PDF - it seems this fix has regressed. This is unacceptable for a production environment and needs to be rectified ASAP.

@tilal.ahmad We are experiencing the same issue in our production environment. “502 Bad Gateway” and “Gateway Time-out”. No successful requests. Do we need to open a separate ticket or are you working on a fix? Any ETA? Let me know how we can help, this is quite urgent.

Hi, it appears to be an issue on their end again - the fix the other day was they “restarted the service, and it is working as expected now.” but this did take nearly a day to action… hopefully they are quicker this time

traffic happening

Same issue here, any updates?

We’ve been encountering 502/504 for several hours consistently all morning today. It appears to have now stopped but we need an official update from Aspose RE this issue and whether it is properly solved @tilal.ahmad

We apologize for the issue caused.
It seems the Aspose.Words Cloud service is now running smoothly. However, if you continue to experience any issues, please let us know

Hi @Ivanov_John, thanks for letting us know. Do we know the root cause of the issue?

While not as bad as 2 and 4 days ago, we are still seeing issues.
Some are handled with a retry we do at our end, but this is usually after a noticeable timeout

Hi @Tidy_International_UK_Ltd!

If you don’t mind, could you please start a new thread? It seems like this might be another issue, and it would be easier to gather details for this separately. By starting a new thread, we can focus specifically on addressing and resolving the new concern efficiently. Thank you for your understanding and cooperation. We’re here to assist you every step of the way!