Single REST API CALL to Merge PDF document

We are using 4 REST API CALLS to merge the document

  1. Getting Authorization token by using the following API
    curl -v

  2. Upload PDF file from Local to Aspose Cloud storage
    curl -X PUT

  3. Merge more than one PDF in the Aspose Cloud storage
    curl -X PUT

4.Download Merged document from Aspose cloud storage to Local folder
curl -X GET

Sir…Is it possible to take the PDF in source folder , merge it and store the merged document in the source folder itself ?

For example, I am using the Appian cloud Platform as service platform. I am having the document folder in Appian cloud. There I will store all the documents. Is it possible by using the single ASPOSE Rest API , which will call the PDF from the source Appian folder , combine it and store the merged PDF in the same Appian folder instead of uploading the document in Aspose storage?
Is it possible to call a Single REST API which can do this task instead of calling four different rest api?



Please note currently, you need to append/merge PDF documents from cloud storage.

However, we have logged an enhancement ticket(PDFCLOUD-2390) to support appending PDF documents from the request body and return the result in the response. After resolution of this ticket, you will be able to avoid uploading and downloading documents API calls. We will notify you as soon as the ticket is resolved.