I am trying to work out how to generate the correct signature to sign requests.
I am following the steps on this page: Authenticating API Requests|Documentation
However even using the examples provided does not work.
For example:
The documentation says:
Append App SID to the given URL as query parameter
Use HMAC-SHA1 algorithm to compute the hash of the URL. App Key will be used as a secret cryptographic key.
Use Base64 encoding to convert message authentication code (MAC) from a binary format in an ASCII string format. JgLReiOyORY8BYpCJ32CbCc0UHg=
When I HMAC-SHA1 the URL with the key, I get ‘2017d1e0cf79cb7c758eb80eb0173e81ea63be18’, then Base64 ASCII encoding this gives ‘MjAxN2QxZTBjZjc5Y2I3Yzc1OGViODBlYjAxNzNlODFlYTYzYmUxOA==’ NOT ‘JgLReiOyORY8BYpCJ32CbCc0UHg=’ like in your documentation.
In fact, decoding the Base64 ‘JgLReiOyORY8BYpCJ32CbCc0UHg=’ returns ‘&z#9<B’}l’4Px’ which is not a valid MAC.
Are the keys/app IDs in your documentation correct?