Self-Hosted Docker Cells - Missing Fonts

When I try and convert an Excel spreadsheet to PDF, the spreadsheet is using the wrong fonts. I have injected a font folder into the docker image and it is showing up in the container with all the ttf, tc, etc. fonts. This docker container is the latest and running on Linux.

docker run -d -p 47900:5000 -v “/opt/app/fonts:/fonts” -e LicensePublicKey=redacted -e LicensePrivateKey=redacted -e storagesCredentialsFilePath=/opt/app/storageResource.json --name asposecellscloud aspose/cells-cloud

I am using the following endpoint (which does work, but bad fonts) “

Is there a reason the fonts are not registering? Is there something I need to do manually to get them to register? I have searched and seen topics related to slides, etc. that I have tried - to no avail.

I have restarted the container numerous times.

Thank you for your assistance!

If the installed fonts cannot be found, you can use the FontConfigs.SetFontFolder and FontConfigs.SetFontFolders methods to set custom font folders. Regarding fonts configuration for rendering excel file, please refer to the following document.

@John.He These methods are not exposed via the Rest API for Cells (Cloud). I am using the Docker that is created by Aspose for self-hosting (Cloud). I also was not able to use the aspose-php-cloud API, since it does not work for the docker container. I am just doing a POST request to the URL shown previously.


Thank you for your feedback. I am moving your thread to respective Reporting Services section where staff member will assist you accordingly soon.

Thank you @John.He It is appreciated. I was able to get it to work, but required me to basically access the Docker, copy all the fonts from the ./fonts folder to /usr/share/fonts and also install fontconfig so I could rebuild the cache. I’m not sure why the /fonts volume does not work as the documentation says it should.

@trever.jones ,

Try to set the environment variable about FontFolder.

 -e FontFolder=/opt/app/fonts