Request body too large when uploading via CURL

Good evening, we are trying to upload some pptx files with sized between 30 and 100 MB via the CURL api, and we’re getting this kind of error:

“error”: {
“code”: “error”,
“message”: “An error occurred while parse the multipart content: One or more errors occurred. Request body too large.”,
“description”: “Operation Failed. General Error.”,
“innerError”: {
“requestId”: null,
“date”: “2020-01-13T14:28:39.3150202Z”

Is there a way to increase maximum body size for curl PUT requests?
Many thanks


We are sorry for your inconvenience. Please confirm which API method are your using and share a sample problematic PPTX file via some free file sharing service e.g. Dropbox or google drive etc. It will help us to address your issue exactly.

Hi and thanks for your answer.

I’m using this method:

Another info is that if I try to upload my file from the web aspose dashboard and it fails saying:
Your pricing plan does not allow process files with size ‘33448268’. Your size limit is ‘20971520’.

Shouldn’t it charge one more credit for the 2nd 20MB chunk of data and proceed with the upload?

I cannot publicly share pptx on which I’m working on, can I somehow send one to you in private?

Many thanks.


Thanks for sharing additional information. We have logged a ticket SLIDESCLOUD-846 in our issue tracking system for further investigation and rectification. We will notify you as soon as it is resolved.


Thanks for your patience. we have resolved your above reported issue(SLIDESCLOUD-846) in Aspose.Slides Cloud 20.1 release. Now you should be able to upload large files without any issue.

Hi Tilal, thanks for the fix!

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