Related to replacing hyperlink in excel through python

from asposecellscloud.apis.o_auth_api import OAuthApi
this is a command in authutil file under examples but i cant see any o_auth_api file under asposecellscloud folder, can u tell me why?
Also, AuthUtil.Ready(name, folder), this is a command in example and when i am running its saying no attribute named ready in Authutil.
I have to replace hyperlinks in excel with text and unable to do as per examples given in github due to these bugs, can u please resolve my issue ASAP.

The example you’re viewing is from an older version that wasn’t addressed promptly. We’ll rectify this without delay. You can refer to our test cases located in the test directory for updated and accurate information.

import os
import sys
import asposecellscloud
from asposecellscloud.apis.cells_api import CellsApi
api = asposecellscloud.apis.cells_api.CellsApi(os.getenv(‘CellsCloudClientId’),os.getenv(‘CellsCloudClientSecret’),“v3.0”,os.getenv(‘CellsCloudApiBaseUrl’))

name =‘Book1.xlsx’
sheet_name =‘Sheet1’
hyperlinkIndex = 0
folder = “PythonTest”
result = api.upload_file(folder + ‘/’ + name, “c:/TestData/” + name)

result = api.cells_hypelinks_delete_worksheet_hyperlink(name, sheet_name,hyperlinkIndex,folder=folder)
i am trying this code now and i am getting error which is
api = cells_api.CellsApi(“hardcoded -id”,“hardcoded-secret”,“v3.0”,“”)
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\aspose-cells-cloud-python\asposecellscloud\”, line 67, in init
self.access_token = self.api_client.get_access_token(“client_credentials”, clientid, clientsecret,version)
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\venv\Lib\site-packages\asposecellscloud\”, line 734, in get_access_token
data = self.call_api(oauthurl, ‘POST’,
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\venv\Lib\site-packages\asposecellscloud\”, line 343, in call_api
return self.__call_api(resource_path, method,
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\venv\Lib\site-packages\asposecellscloud\”, line 167, in __call_api
response_data = self.request(method, url,
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\venv\Lib\site-packages\asposecellscloud\”, line 386, in request
return self.rest_client.POST(url,
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\venv\Lib\site-packages\asposecellscloud\”, line 272, in POST
return self.request(“POST”, url,
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\venv\Lib\site-packages\asposecellscloud\”, line 234, in request
raise ApiException(http_resp=r) (400)
Reason: Bad Request
HTTP response headers: HTTPHeaderDict({‘Connection’: ‘keep-alive’, ‘Content-Length’: ‘175’, ‘Content-Type’: ‘application/json; charset=utf-8’, ‘Date’: ‘Wed, 01 Nov 2023 20:23:18 GMT’, ‘Server’: ‘awselb/2.0’})
HTTP response body: { “error”: { “code”: “errorProtocol”, “message”: “HTTP is not supported. Please use HTTPS.”, “description”: “Operation Failed. Invalid protocol.” }}

Process finished with exit code 1
please let me know how can i resolve this issue and in the excel and folder name can i take these details from my local or it should be from cloud internal or 3rd party storage?

i missed https, i guess thats why i was getting this error, not getting this error now, but while uploading the directory to upload my edited file i m getting this error-
Traceback (most recent call last):
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\aspose-cells-cloud-python\asposecellscloud\”, line 13, in
result = api.upload_file(test_folder)
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\aspose-cells-cloud-python\asposecellscloud\”, line 14659, in upload_file
(data) = self.upload_file_with_http_info(request,**kwargs)
File “C:\Users\shruti.r.singh\Documents\xml\aspose-cells-cloud-python\asposecellscloud\”, line 14678, in upload_file_with_http_info
http_params = request.create_http_request(self.api_client)
AttributeError: ‘str’ object has no attribute ‘create_http_request’

what i have done is this, please let me know if i have done anything wrong.

folder = path to excel file
test_folder= path where file will be uploaded after removing hyperlink
result = api.upload_file(test_folder)
result = api.cells_hypelinks_delete_worksheet_hyperlink(name, sheet_name,hyperlinkIndex,folder=folder)

Firstly, the upload_file function can upload one or more files but does not support directories. Here’s an example of the code to reference:

remote_folder = ‘TestData/In’
local_name = ‘Book1.xlsx’
remote_name = ‘Book1.xlsx’
mapFiles = {
local_name: os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(file)) + “/…/TestData/” +local_name
request = UploadFileRequest( mapFiles, remote_folder + ‘/’ + remote_name,storage_name= ‘’)
api = CellsApi(“your client”,“your client secret”(),“v3.0”,“”)

hey, thanks for your response, I checked the functionality through rest Api on aspose.cells website. I can see only target is getting removed that too with websites starting from www, websites starting from https:// isnt getting removed.
Kindly let me know if any such functionality is there where I can all together delete these links from excel or replace them with some plain text with no target, then only this code will have some point for me to check.

hey, can u respond to my previous questions?

@shruti.r.singh ,
Here are two solutions for removing hyperlinks in Cells Cloud Services:

  1. Clearobjects Method
    book1_xlsx = 'Book1.xlsx'
    data_source_xlsx = 'datasource.xlsx'
    objecttype = 'hyperlink'
    mapFiles = { 
        book1_xlsx: os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../TestData/" +book1_xlsx ,data_source_xlsx: os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + "/../TestData/" +data_source_xlsx             
    request =  PostClearObjectsRequest( mapFiles, objecttype)
  1. Hyperlinks Controller