I am getting the following error when I try to call the Recognize template API:
{“messages”:[“Failed to find all reference points on image! Please make sure they are clearly visible and have enough blank space around them.”],“warnings”:[]}
I have attached the scanned image and the omr based on which the original image was produced.
scan.zip (190.2 KB)
Could you please advise how to overcome this error?
Thank you!
Hello, @opaspm1
I have received attached files and will investigate this issue under a new OMRCLOUD-233 ticket.
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Hello, @opaspm1
I have investigated recognition of the provided image. The reason is low resolution of the image(1024x768).
As a hotfix, I would recommend use at least 2000x2000 image resolution for Cloud processing or
use a library version, where we have addressed this issue.
I would like to mention that QR code on the template is too small and too dependent on quality and resolution of the scan and may be too difficult to recognize, even in library version.
I will add a task to address size issue into Cloud development queue and notify in this thread once it’s published.
Thank you for the analysis.
Could you please advise what should be the minimum size (in pixels or points) of the QR code to maximize the chances of recognition?
Hello, @opaspm1
Best recognition quality is achieved when:
- Scanned image have 300x300 DPI.
- Scanned image resolution is set to at least 2000x2000 px.
In files attached above, the scanned image is 96x96 DPI and 1027x768 resolution.
I believe it to be a main issue with recognition quality.
Usually the size of QR code (200x200) for 3508x2480 template is adequate, but with low resolution and DPI - QR becomes too blurry to be precise.
My advice is to make sure that barcode is clearly visible, black and white separation is distinctive. It can be done by increasing scanned image DPI to 300 or increasing size of QR code at least to 600px