I’m trying to get PostSlidesReorderPosition working, but I can’t get any result so far and the documentation doesn’t help me:
It seems like there are 5 fields to specify the slide position. It certainly makes sense to specify the position in the source and target file, but I don’t understand the need for 5 fields. Two of them have the same description by the way. Is there a complete and working example?
This is what I tried: Success: Reorder presentation slides. name ‘1536236651-example.pptx’,oldPosition ‘’,newPosition ‘’,slideToCopy ‘’,position ‘1’,slideToClone ‘’,source ‘1536236977-1.pptx’,password ‘’,folder ‘’,storage ‘’,layoutAlias ‘’
But my storage file hasn’t changed after this call. The file date has changed, but I can’t see the new slide in the storage file. I’m basically trying to insert one slide into an existing file.
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