Php curl cell not posting files

Here is my php code to uplaod a xlsx file and protect it.

Missing something which is not working. Can anyone help !

//$bearer_token => Authentication token
//$sourceFolder => Folder where file exists
//$fileName => abdc.xlsx

		$protectxlsx_url = "";
		$protectxlsx_headers = array(
			"Content-Type: application/json",
			"Accept: application/json",
			"Authorization: Bearer ".$bearer_token."",
		//var_dump(mime_content_type($sourceFolder.$fileName));  die;

		$tmp_file = curl_file_create($sourceFolder.$fileName);

		//$file_realpath = curl_file_create($fileSave);
		$protectxlsx_ch = curl_init();
		curl_setopt($protectxlsx_ch, CURLOPT_URL, $protectxlsx_url);
		curl_setopt($protectxlsx_ch, CURLOPT_POST, true);
		curl_setopt($protectxlsx_ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $tmp_file);
		curl_setopt($protectxlsx_ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, $protectxlsx_headers);			
		$protectxlsx_apiresult = curl_exec($protectxlsx_ch);
		$protectxlsx_apiresult_jsondecode = json_decode($protectxlsx_apiresult, true);

		//$protectxlsx_apiresult_jsondecode => not generating any data


We suggest you use Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK for PHP.
Aspose.Cells Cloud SDK for PHP is open-source on GitHub.
Please check the following example code:

use \Aspose\Cells\Cloud\Api\LightCellsApi;
$cells = new LightCellsApi( getenv(“ProductClientId”),getenv(“ProductClientSecret”) );
$files = array (
‘DataSource’ => “D:/projects/aspose/examples/testdata/source/datasource.xlsx”,
‘AssemblyTest’ => “D:/projects/aspose/examples/testdata/source/assemblytest.xlsx”
$result = $cells->postProtect( $files, ‘12345’ );
$filename = $result->getFiles()[0]->getFilename() ;
$fileData = $result->getFiles()[0]->getFileContent() ;
$ptr = fopen($filename, ‘wb’);
fwrite($ptr, base64_decode($fileData));


But the issue is everytime i Check for config.
It doesn’t returning accessToken
$configDtls = $cells->getConfig();
var_dump($configDtls); die;
Please can you verify ?
There is issue with LightCellsApi Object creation.

Some issue found like: On Line 87,97 of LightCellsApi.php $this->config ->setAccessToken has space in config call Like “config ->”. I have removed the space. But still not generating any token. Can you confirm ?

Thanks Again


We have tested your issues and can get an access token. Please try the example code.

use \Aspose\Cells\Cloud\Api\LightCellsApi;
$cells = new LightCellsApi( getenv(“ProductClientId”),getenv(“ProductClientSecret”) );

Please check the following question which cause can not access the token:

  1. Whether can access normally. The following command is to test cells cloud services statue.


  1. Check that the entered client ID and client secret are correct. Please read the quick start online document about how to get the client ID and client secret.