PHP API: DeleteHeadersFootersRequest with headers_footers_types not working

The Aspose test file: aspose-cloud/aspose-words-cloud/tests/Aspose/Words/HeaderFooterTests.php
seems to suggest that header_footer_type is a string matching the values found here:

for example:

        $request = new InsertHeaderFooterOnlineRequest(

However when I use these values in a DeleteHeadersFootersRequest

new DeleteHeadersFootersRequest(
    headers_footers_types: "FooterEven",

I always get the exception:

Operation Failed. The input data is not valid
Message: FooterEven is unknown value

I’ve also tried using an array as well as numeric values:

headers_footers_types: ["FooterEven"]
headers_footers_types: [2]

But they all result in the same exception.


I am testing the issue and will share my findings with you shortly.

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Issue ID(s): WORDSCLOUD-2364

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