In both character-level and word-level comparisons using Aspose (both on-premises and cloud versions), it appears that when a word is updated to its phonetic form, it is marked as “deleted” in the comparison result file rather than being shown as “updated” or “added.” It would be extremely helpful for us if this issue could be addressed and resolved in the upcoming release, along with the character-level comparison feature.
For further clarification, I have attached screenshots of both the expected and actual results. Additionally, I have provided the original and updated files for your testing.
Please kindly review and let us know if there are any possible solutions to fix this issue.
Original text:
Updated to phonetic text:
Expected result:
Aspose on-premises char level comparison result:
Aspose on-premises char level comparision result in PDF format:
Aspose cloud word level comparision result:
Testing files:
売買契約書 (changed).docx (934.1 KB)
売買契約書 (original).docx (483.7 KB)