Options for Running Slides Cloud Services in Our Own Container

We’d like to explore options for running ASPOSE cloud services on our own services/cloud service. Besides the security concerns raised internally by our auditors about running on the public cloud (which probably are not valid) and the performance issues, we’d like to explore our options.

Is there someone in sales to talk to about this?

Thank you for your inquiry.

I added a ticket with ID SLIDESCLOUD-1316 in our issue tracking system. Our development team will prepare the options for you. We will reply to you as soon as possible.

Please take a look at the next chapter.

By default (when ClientId and ClientSecret are not specified), the requests are not authorized, so anyone who has access to the container has access to the API hosted there.

You may specify ClientId and ClientSecret that you invent as environment parameters for the container (not to be mixed with license public & private keys that you get from Aspose).

docker run -p 8088:80 -e "LicensePublicKey=public_key" -e "LicensePrivateKey=private_key" -e "ClientId=MyClientId" -e "ClientSecret=MyClientSecret" -v "/data:/storage" aspose/slides-cloud

When you start the container using a command like that, you must get auth token using /connect/token URL to do API requests.

curl -X POST http://localhost:8088/connect/token -d "grant_type=client_credentials&client_id=MyClientId&client_secret=MyClientSecret"

Then you provide the token in the authentication header for API requests.
Just the way you authenticate cloud requests in api.aspose.cloud.
If you use an SDK, you provide the ClientID and ClientSecret just like you do with api.aspose.cloud. The difference is that you have to provide your own BaseUrl or the calls will be made to api.aspose.cloud:

Configuration config = new Configuration();
config.ApiBaseUrl = “http://localhost:8088”;
config.ClientId = “MyClientId”;
config.ClientSecret = “MyClientSecret”;
SlidesApi api = new SlidesApi(config);
// My API requests