Optimize pdf api is not optimizing the file and it is increasing the file size in some cases

I am trying to compress some of my files for which I have tried various combinations for the parameters provided.
Also i have analysed that using “ResizeImages”: true and MaxResolution parameters the file size is getting increased.
Even for ImageCompressionVersion if I am using fast or mixed.It is making 5MB file to 35MB.
ImageEncoding is also giving similar results except for Unchanged.
Can you please provide valid explanations for all the parameters that are available.
And what will be the best combination of these parameters to get best result.
The optimize options description present in swagger is not that much clear.

  1. AllowReusePageContent- which page content it is referring to?
  2. LinkDuplcateStreams - which streams in pdf is this referring to?
  3. RemoveUnusedObjects- what is documentobject here?
  4. UnembedFonts- what does this unembed fonts means?
  5. SubsetFonts ?

Please share your input document to investigate the issue with file size increasing.
Also we have opened a new ticket to update and clarify Aspose.PDF Cloud documentation.

Opening a private ticket for this issue as I want to share the file privately

We have updated the documentation for optimization options.
We recommend using the RemoveUnusedObjects option if you want to reduce the file size.
Please share your input document to investigate the issue with file size increasing.