Steps which i followed to run your demo.
step 1: I have create the client ID and Secret on “” and put on the configuration file.
Step 2: Create the FTP (external storage) on my account.
step 3. Create data and output folder on my working directory.
Step 4: while run the demo project error “Invallid Clinet” on demo.RunDemo(); function.
this.UploadDemoFiles(this.DataFolder); function not working giving Error…“invallid client”
Please help…
We are investigating the issue and will share our findings with you soon.
Please double check that you have download/clone the submodule aspose-omr-cloud-demo-data as well and you have put client Id/secret and updated basepath version in test_config_sample.json and also rename the configuration file to test_config.json.
"app_key" : "xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx",
"app_sid" : "xxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxx",
"base_path" : "",
"data_folder" : "Data"
To clone the submodule aspose-omr-cloud-demo-data you can use the following git command
git clone --recurse-submodules
or you can simply download GitHub - aspose-omr-cloud/aspose-omr-cloud-demo-data: Demonstration files directly to another folder and then copy it to the .NET SDK folder.