Im getting some issues when running omr client for node.
- I can’t find demo data eg.: template, images, etc.
- I don’t know how to create templates.
- And when I create test_config.json I always face the follow Error:
“Config file not found test_config.json”
What tools I need use to create the OMR templates?
Do you have some online tranning course program?
Thank you for contacting Aspose Support.
- I can’t find demo data eg.: template, images, etc.
Demo data is located in the repository submodule, and the reason you cannot find this data is probably that the submodule may not be pulled properly. In order to do that:
while cloning NodeJS repository make sure to add --recurse-submodules, so full command looks like this:
git clone --recurse-submodules
in case you already cloned repository and missing submodules use following git commands to initialize and update submodules:
git submodule init
git submodule update
After this, you should be able to find aspose-omr-cloud-demo-data
folder with demo data.

- And when I create test_config.json I always face the following Error: “Config file not found test_config.json”
By default file test_config.json is expected to be in the aspose-omr-cloud-demo-data folder, since that is the place where all the samples and demo data is stored. Please move your config file to the aspose-omr-cloud-demo-data. You can also modify loadConfig function in the demo.js to fit your needs and look for config file elsewhere.

- I don’t know how to create templates.
Our API offers Generate Template function, which creates template based on textual markup. Please take a look at the generateTemplate function in the demo.js and Generate Template function specification at
Running demo will also generate sample template for you based on description in Aspose_test.txt in the demo files.