Not able to genertae the OMR from the example json given in the aspose site only


I am trying to create a OMR template with same example given in the link: Page|Documentation

In the link the json is provided as below. I kept this json on a separate .json file in my node js application. And i started consuming the apis given in the aspose documentation. But i am getting a blank OMR sheet. Need a help on this.
“element_type”: “Template”,
“children”: [
“element_type”: “Page”,
“children”: [
“element_type”: “Text”,
“name”: “Biology Quiz: Plants”,
“font_size”: 16,
“font_style”: “bold”
“element_type”: “EmptyLine”
“element_type”: “AnswerSheet”,
“name”: “Plants”,
“elements_count”: 90,
“columns_count”: 3,
“answers_count”: 5,
“element_type”: “Page”,
“children”: [
“element_type”: “Text”,
“name”: “Biology Quiz: Animals”,
“font_size”: 16,
“font_style”: “bold”
“element_type”: “EmptyLine”
“element_type”: “AnswerSheet”,
“name”: “Animals”,
“elements_count”: 90,
“columns_count”: 3,
“answers_count”: 5,


We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please confirm you are using Aspose.OMR Cloud SDK for Node.js or using Aspose.OMR Clour API via cURL using a Rest Client.


I am using the cloud apis via rest client.
I used below json markup.
“element_type”: “Template”,
“children”: [
“element_type”: “Page”,
“children”: [
“element_type”: “Text”,
“name”: “Biology Quiz: Plants”,
“font_size”: 16,
“font_style”: “bold”
“element_type”: “EmptyLine”
“element_type”: “AnswerSheet”,
“name”: “Plants”,
“elements_count”: 90,
“columns_count”: 3,
“answers_count”: 5,
“element_type”: “Page”,
“children”: [
“element_type”: “Text”,
“name”: “Biology Quiz: Animals”,
“font_size”: 16,
“font_style”: “bold”
“element_type”: “EmptyLine”
“element_type”: “AnswerSheet”,
“name”: “Animals”,
“elements_count”: 90,
“columns_count”: 3,
“answers_count”: 5,


I have tested PostGenerateTemplate API method using Postman and was unable to notice the error. Please share your sample code for investigation.

Yes, i am getting response but when i convert to .png, it’s creating an empty file.
Below is the template code i used. i Converted below to bese64 and sent. I am getting response but it’s generating empty .png file for OMR.

“element_type”: “Template”,
“children”: [
“element_type”: “Page”,
“children”: [
“element_type”: “Text”,
“name”: “Biology Quiz”,
“font_size”: 16,
“font_style”: “bold”
“element_type”: “EmptyLine”
“element_type”: “AnswerSheet”,
“name”: “Plants”,
“elements_count”: 15,
“columns_count”: 3,
“answers_count”: 5,
“bubble_size”: “large”,
“vertical_margin”: 10,
“answers_list”: [“α”, “β”, “γ”, “δ”, “ε”]


We are sorry for the inconvenience. I have noticed that the API is not working with Page JSON Markup but with Text Markup. So we have logged a ticket(OMRCLOUD-213) for further investigation. We will keep you updated about the issue resolution.


Thanks for your patience. We have fixed the JSON markup issue. Please try now; it should be working now.