How to track Word document changes with Aspose.Words Cloud?

Hello Aspose Team,

I am not able to find the com.aspose.words.DocumentBuilder ?

I have cleaned and re-imported the maven for several time but issue is still persisting.
Note: I am using aspose-words-cloud 18.9.0

Could you please advise ?



Thanks for your inquiry. Please note Aspose.Words Cloud does not have the specified class. If you want to use com.aspose.words.DocumentBuilder you need to use Aspose.Words for Java. However, if you confirm your requirements then we may suggest you appropriate Clout REST API accordingly.

Hello Ahmad,

Thank you very much…
I was trying to get the track changes of a word document using java sdk,
I am following this blog: DocumentBuilder | Aspose.Words for Java

I have below query as well

  1. Is it possible to the get the track changes of manually edited(not using programs) word document using ASPOSE? If possible, Can’t we use Java SDK for the same ?

Thank you,



Thanks for your feedback.

As suggested above, if you want to use DocumentBuilder class for document manipulation then you need to use Aspose.Words for Java on premise API.

Yes you can use compareDocmument Cloud api to compare the different versions of document and get the changes. Please check Aspose.Words Cloud SDK for Java example here. Hopefully it will help you to accomplish the task.