New customfonts are not picked by Salesforce UI

We are trying to convert word doc to PDF with Salesforce and Aspose integration.
But correct font is not picked .
Currently using version V4.0 . I tried with version v1.1 aswell.
With both the version correct font is not picked up.
Input file. expected fonts : Montserrat and Source_Sans
Live Speaker Program Invite.docx (192.3 KB)

Output file :
Live Speaker Program Invite-Merged.PDF (153.8 KB)

Please find client id : 9f89af72-cb2f-449a-8139-44416b857982
Please let us know if you need any other information regarding same.
This is impacting couple of our clients and Expecting the solution asap.

Thanks in advance

Do we have any update on this?

Any update on this?

Please let us know what API you use. PDF or Word?

We are converting word document to PDF.
API we are hitting is :
Endpoint URL:
AccessToken URL:

Please share the complete URL, as I don’t see what parameters and what method you use.