My personal client ID for the trial version

I downloaded the apose-pdf-sdk-php trail version and also created an account. So far everything (installation etc.) worked. Now my problem. Where can I find my personal ClientID and my CleintSecret for using the trail version. Can someone help me with that? Many thanks in advance.


Please check the following documentation to get your credentials(client Id and client secret).

Hello Tilal,
Thanks for your tip. Based on the quickstart documentation, I got everything. I now have the ClientID and the ClientSecret. As described, I now want to run an example routine (see screen shots below / PHP script and error message) and this is where the problem exists. I’ve tried and tested everything, but I just can’t find the error. Do you perhaps have an idea? Thank you in advance.

image.png (53,8 KB)

image.png (18,1 KB)


Please double check the file path/availability; it seems your referenced file is missing in the cloud storage.

Hello Tilal;
Thank you very much for your quick answer. I’ve checked everything so far, but it hasn’t helped. I then tested another example routine (see screen shots below / PHP script and error message). I suspect there is a fundamental problem with my installation of the SDK. I hope you have an idea where the error could be. Thanks again in advance.

image.png (77,8 KB)


It seems you are using an obsolete method to upload file. Please check the following sample code to upload file to cloud storage. Please also refer to the updated unit tests for reference.

//upload pdf file	
$fileName = 'Test.pdf';
$folder= null;
$path = $fileName;

$file = $fileName;
$uploadResponse = $pdfApi->uploadFile($path, $file);

Hello Tilal,
Thank you very much for your help again. The upload seems to be working now. But later on there is another error. See the attached screenshot. Somehow I have the feeling that I don’t fully understand your philosophy of the SDK yet.
Thank you again in advance for your help.

image.png (181,7 KB)


We are truly sorry for the inconvenience. It seems you are using examples from the Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for PHP. These include the storage methods of the Aspose.Storage Cloud API, which is now obsolete. We will update these examples soon. Meanwhile, please use unittest from Github for reference.

The latest API version of Aspose.PDF Cloud does not use the Aspose.Storage Cloud API anymore. Aspose.PDF Cloud has its own methods for storage operations. So please do not use the PutCreate method in your code; the uploadFile method is uploading file to cloud storage.

//upload pdf file	
$name = 'PdfWithAnnotations.pdf';
$tempFolder= null;
$path = $name;

$file = $name;
$uploadResponse = $pdfApi->uploadFile($path, $file);

$response = $pdfApi->getDocumentFileAttachmentAnnotations($name, null, $tempFolder);

A post was split to a new topic: Extract Elements from a PDF Layer and Create a separate PDF