Merge PDF Documents API Method throws 404 error

When I try to merge PDF documents, I get the following error even though nothing in the code references Azure Storage:

error:Error calling PutMergeDocuments: {“Code”:“errorWindowsAzureStorage”,“HttpStatusCode”:404,“Description”:“Operation Failed. Windows Azure Storage Error.”,“Message”:“Windows Azure Storage exception: The remote server returned an error: (404) Not Found.”,“Data”:{},“InnerException”:null,“StackTrace”:" at Dynabic.Storage.Managers.WindowsAzureManager.RunWindowsAzureCode[T](Func1 action)\r\n at Aspose.Pdf.Cloud.Controllers.Infrastructure.FileManagerWrapper.GetDocumentStream(String path, String fileType) in C:\\ms\\src\\Aspose.PDF.Cloud\\Controllers\\Infrastructure\\FileManagerWrapper.cs:line 119\r\n at Aspose.Pdf.Cloud.Business.DocumentCreation.DocumentCreationManagerLegacy.Merge(IFileManagerWrapper fileManager, String requestRoot, IList1 files, String outputFile, HttpContext httpContext) in C:\ms\src\Aspose.PDF.Cloud\Business\DocumentCreation\DocumentCreationManagerLegacy.cs:line 129\r\n at Aspose.Pdf.Cloud.Business.PdfDocumentManager.Merge(IFileManagerWrapper fileManager, String requestRoot, IList`1 files, String outputFile, HttpContext httpContext) in C:\ms\src\Aspose.PDF.Cloud\Business\PdfDocumentManager.cs:line 294\r\n at Aspose.Pdf.Cloud.Controllers.MergeController.PutMergeDocuments(String name, MergeDocuments mergeDocuments, String storage, String folder) in C:\ms\src\Aspose.PDF.Cloud\Controllers\MergeController.cs:line 52",“HelpLink”:null,“Source”:“Dynabic.Storage”,“HResult”:-2146233088}
at Aspose.Pdf.Cloud.Sdk.Api.PdfApi.PutMergeDocumentsWithHttpInfo(String name, MergeDocuments mergeDocuments, String storage, String folder)
at Aspose.Pdf.Cloud.Sdk.Api.PdfApi.PutMergeDocuments(String name, MergeDocuments mergeDocuments, String storage, String folder)
at Aspose.Program.Main(String[] args) in /Users/paulgilchrist/Source/aspose/Program.cs:line 67

Here is the code:

            // Upload source files to aspose cloud storage
            pdfDocuments.ForEach(document => {
                // Remove file path
                document = document.Replace(convertedPath,"");
                Console.WriteLine($"PDF merge of file {document}");
                pdfApi.UploadFile(document,File.OpenRead(convertedPath + document),storage);
            // Invoke Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK API to merge pdf files
            var documentResponse = pdfApi.PutMergeDocuments(outputDocumentName,mergeDocuments,storage);  //  Sometimes returns Azure Storage 404 error but why?  
            if(documentResponse != null && documentResponse.Status.Equals("OK")) {
                var bookUrl = documentResponse.Document.Links[0].Href.ToString();
                var bookStream = pdfApi.DownloadFile(bookUrl);
                using(Stream outStream = File.OpenWrite(outputPath + outputDocumentName)) {
                Console.WriteLine("Merge Multiple PDF Files, Done!");

The error occurs on the line pdfApi.PutMergeDocuments


var documentResponse = pdfApi.PutMergeDocuments(outputDocumentName,mergeDocuments,storage); // Sometimes returns Azure Storage 404 error but why?

Please double check which storage are you referring to in the code and file path/availability as well. However, if the issue persists then please share your working code along with the credentials(Client ID/Secret) in a private message.


file/path is working fine as all the documents upload fine, and the first few merge fine. It seems to hit a merged size limit before it fails, as it is not a problem with a specific document, as I can change the order in which they are merged, causing it to error on a different file.

It looks like the issue was the mergeDocuments had the local path, and needed to be reduced just to the file name before calling PutMergeDocuments


Yes, if your referenced file is on the root of the Cloud Storage then you need to pass only file name as file path. However, if it lies in a Cloud Storage folder then you need to pass folder name as well in the file path.