Mail Merge with Special Characters issue in SalesForce using Aspose.Words Cloud


We are using Aspose Cloud Services for merging document with Salesforce object’s data on Salesforce Platform.

We are using following web service calls to merge the document :

Endpoint =,EmptyParagraphs,UnusedFields,UnusedRegions,RemoveTitleRow,RemoveTitleRowInInnerTables&appSID=333f1d9e-ecdf-4a49-b1e3-ac9bf494c61e&signature=AUjUARO73jZcYPwl2dWrAEjRp%2BI, Method=POST]

We are facing issue with special characters in merge.

For Ex: Text before merge : Jone’s house

Text after merge : Jone’s house

So can you provide us the solution for this issue in Salesforce.


Hi Vignesh,

Thanks for your inquiry. Could you please zip and attach your input Word document along with sample XML/JSON data file here for testing? We will investigate the issue on our end and provide you more information.

Best regards,