LINQ - Inserting Documents Dynamically

I’m having difficulty trying to diagnose an issue with the LINQ syntax for inserting a document dynamically.

I have read this post on the subject but it isn’t helping me solve my issue:

I am using the following code:

    $data = [
            "pagebreak"    => true,
            "hasTC"        => true,
            "TC"           => "Contents Title 2",
            'url'          => '',
            'footer' => ['top1' => 'row 1 col 1', 'top2' => 'row 1 col 2', 'top3' => ['part0' => 'A', 'part1' => 'B', 'part2' => 'C'], 'top4' => 'row 1 col 4', 'bottom' => 'row 2']

    $settings = new ReportEngineSettings([
                        "data_source_type" => "Json",
                        "report_build_options"  => [
                            "RemoveEmptyParagraphs"of the first page

    $request = new BuildReportOnlineRequest(__DIR__."/Aspose-LINQ-Template.docx", json_encode($data, JSON_UNESCAPED_SLASHES), $settings);
    $result = $wordsApi->buildReportOnline($request);
    rename($result->getPathname(), "LINQ.docx");

I would expect Page1.docx to use the styles in the template document as both documents have the same style names.

However the final document (LINQ.docx) isn’t formatted correctly - the content of Page1.docx doesn’t appear to have the correct style applied to it.

Dynamically inserted page: page1.docx (141.1 KB)

Template: Aspose-LINQ-Template.docx (175.1 KB)

Result: LINQ.docx (161.8 KB)

Thanks for sharing documents for testing. I will create a ticket for further investigation

We have opened the following new ticket(s) in our internal issue tracking system and will deliver their fixes according to the terms mentioned in Free Support Policies.

Issue ID(s): WORDSCLOUD-2814

You can obtain Paid Support Services if you need support on a priority basis, along with the direct access to our Paid Support management team.

Please use sourceStyles parameter in the template to keep source document formating
<<doc [url] –build -sourceStyles>>
Aspose-LINQ-TemplateFixed.docx (175.2 KB)