When a docker container starts, it output LicensePrivateKey and LicensePublicKey to a log. Is it possible to mask them? We collect logs and store them for a long period of time, so anyone with access to those logs can retrieve these secrets.
yes, we use aspose/words-cloud:25.1:
bucket REDACTED is mounted at /data
FontsInitializer:Init:GetSystemFonts(): DejaVu Sans Bold Version 2.37
FontsInitializer:Init:GetSystemFonts(): DejaVu Sans Version 2.37
FontsInitializer:Init:GetSystemFonts(): DejaVu Sans Mono Bold Version 2.37
FontsInitializer:Init:GetSystemFonts(): DejaVu Sans Mono Version 2.37
FontsInitializer:Init:GetSystemFonts(): DejaVu Serif Bold Version 2.37
FontsInitializer:Init:GetSystemFonts(): DejaVu Serif Version 2.37
Metered license is set
Credit: 1402
Consumption quantity: 1032.1029
LicenseInitializer:InitLicense() - Metered license for Aspose.Barcode successfully initialized.
Hosting environment: Production
Content root path: /app
Now listening on: http://[::]:80
Application started. Press Ctrl+C to shut down.
I will ask the responsible developer to add a flag not to show the keys.