Issues with PDF to DOCX Conversion using Aspose Cloud

I hope this email finds you well. I am writing to bring to your attention an issue I have encountered while using the Aspose Cloud package for converting PDF files to DOCX format.

Although the package is highly useful, I have observed that some data is missing from the DOCX files after conversion. This issue is critical for my project, as it impacts the integrity and completeness of the converted documents.

For your reference, I have attached the original PDF file and the resulting DOCX file generated using Aspose Cloud. I hope this will help in identifying the problem and finding a solution.

I would appreciate any guidance or assistance you can provide to resolve this issue. Your help in ensuring accurate and complete conversions would be invaluable.

Thank you for your attention to this matter. I look forward to your prompt response.

Best regards,

Tyler Rodgers

Sorry for the inconvenience. Could you please share your input document and expected output document?

Please check the files I shared via we transfer. Pdf file is the orignal one and DOC files are created using your api.

Attached link again if the above failed

It would be beneficial if you could take screenshots of differences you want to be fixed.
Thanks for your query.

image.jpg (65.6 KB)

image.jpg (92.0 KB)

Please check both screen shots one is of PDF File and second is of DOC File. Total styling is different and also data is missing like investigator name, conclusions and Recommendations also they introduced + like new icons

In the documents you sent there are no such errors
image.png (67.5 KB) this is a caseDetailsDoc1.doc
image.png (66.2 KB) this is a caseDetailsDoc2.doc
from zip archive.
Please check if you put correct documents to the archive.
Thank you

Kindly check the screenshots I shared and screen you shared with me is from PDF. Issue is in DOC


The screenshots I made are from doc files, not PDFs; that’s why I asked you if you put the correct documents inside the archive.

Please check this video

Could you open these documents in MS Word instead of Pages? Although it renders OK for MS Word, I do not have a MacBook to test it against Pages.

In the mobile, doc files are not opening in MS Word however working fine on windows. In mobile it returns invalid format.

So did you open the result document on MS Word on PC or Mac? Does it renders correctly?

In the PC it is working fine but not on mac and mobile device

Well, then, I think you should create queries for applications you use, such as Pages or mobile device apps, as we can’t fix other applications’ behavior.