Is the words Aspose.words API down?

I’m getting a spose ApiException [null,"[object] (Aspose\\Words\\ApiException(code: 500): [500] Error connecting to the API from my production servers.

The online documentation: Aspose.Words Cloud - API References
is also returning :

"Message":"Filemanager has not been initialized.",
"Description":"Operation Failed. Internal error.",
"Message":"One or more errors occurred. (Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The signature is invalid")",
"Message":"Bearer error="invalid_token", error_description="The signature is invalid"",
"Description":"Operation Failed. "

I am also getting this response:

"Message":"ClientId is undefined. Please check authorization.",
"Description":"Operation Failed. General Error."

Using this API ref page: Aspose.Words Cloud - API References despite having logged in correctly.

It is down for me too (again).

Still nothing on the status page - it’s pretty much next to useless.

Sorry for the inconvenience. I will check with the admin team why this happened again.