Integrate REST API OMR solution

Hi ,

We are trying to integrate your OMR CLOUD SOLUTION API to our product but i haven’t found the proper documentation from your end it would be great if you share me some good materials on this. . Here i attached some of errors i got while testing API with your cloud server.

Error 1 :

i gone through the testing link below and i already gave my security credentials and all the necessary parameters for the API but it’s still showing me the authentication failed error.
(Refer the image i attached below )!/Omr/PostRunOmrTask

image.png (31.8 KB)

Error 2 :

In this case i will try to test your API using some API Tools like Postman it passed the authentication issues but it says some different error please refer the response of payload below.

“ErrorCode”: 3,
“ErrorText”: “join() argument must be str or bytes, not ‘NoneType’ Error reference ID b2495c61-74d9-4bc0-a263-390765ac106a”,
“Payload”: {
“Result”: {
“TemplateId”: “”,
“ExecutionTime”: 0,
“ResponseFiles”: [],
“Info”: {
“ResponseVersion”: null,
“ProcessedTasksCount”: 0,
“SuccessfulTasksCount”: 0,
“Details”: {
“TaskMessages”: null,
“TaskResult”: null,
“RecognitionStatistics”: []
“ServerStat”: {
“StorageDownloadTime”: “00:00:00.0126653”,
“OmrFunctionCallTime”: “00:00:00.3330202”
“Status”: “OK”

Request payload
image.png (39.6 KB)

For the above test cases if i did anything wrong you can just share me the solution on this.

Thank you.


Thanks for your inquiry. Please note Image recognition process includes some OMR functions. If you have already created a template(GenerateTemplate) then before image recognition you need to execute two other functions CorrectTemplate and FinalizeTemplate as well.

It would be difficult to call basic OMR functions in api explorer in the start. So it is best to get familiar with the OMR workflow and functions you can try our Github Code Demo first. It also provides SDKs for different platforms, so you can easily and quickly process documents in the language of your choice. Please check Aspose.OMR GitHub repository for a complete list of available SDKs along with working examples, to get you started in no time.

And lastly, we highly recommend using GUI Client to get familiar with the process before using SDK. It is also well documented with screenshots that will lead you through the process.

Okay it works perfect.
thank you.