Insert Text in PDF and Encrypt PDF document feature in Aspose.PDF Cloud SDK for .NET

Hi. There seems to be quite a few things you can do with the full Aspose.Pdf for .NET which hasn’t made it into the Aspose.Pdf for Cloud yet.

  • Password-protect and encrypt documents
  • Inject text items into existing documents
  • And maybe a refresh of the .NET SDK for Cloud (poor code quality).

Hi Hans,

Thanks for your feedback.

Hans Olav:
  • Password-protect and encrypt documents

We have already logged the feature, SAASPDF-68, for encrypted PDF support in Aspose.Pdf for Clouds. It has been implemented and will be available soon.

Hans Olav:
  • Inject text items into existing documents

We have logged a new feature, SAASPDF-130, to add text in existing PDF document, in our issue tracking system and will update you as soon as it it resolved.

Hans Olav:
  • And maybe a refresh of the .NET SDK for Cloud (poor code quality).

Thanks for suggestion,we will look into soon and will improve it.

Best Regards,

Great to hear, Tilal! :slight_smile:

I’ve actually gone ahead and refactored most of the .NET SDK for you. Let me know if you’re interested in reviewing/using the code.

Basically I’ve refactored the whole SDK from being static and tightly coupled to everything having dependency-injection and inversion-of-control according to the SOLID principles.

Hi Hans,

Thanks for your contribution. You can visit our .NET SDK page at and submit a pull request. Our SDKs team will review and accept your changes.

Best Regards,