Increase in conversion errors this week

Hi there,

In the past week, we have seen increasing amount of Aspose errors. In previous weeks, this would amount to about 1-3% of all total documents, but now we are dealing with 26% conversion errors, for the last 50 documents.

Is there any explanation for this?

I will be available to provide further information if necessary.


Unfortunately, last week, we encountered 4 minutes failure of our storage server; 2 minutes each on 08/05/2022 and 09/05/2022. It seems it caused the problem. However, we took the necessary measures and very much confident that the same error will not rise again.

However, if you noticed the service degradation on some other dates, then please share the details for further investigation.

Hi there,

We are still experiencing issues to this day, so I am not sure if those issues from 1,5 weeks ago are the cause for this.

Currently it seems like 30% of all documents return the following error:

Could not find images after conversion was completed.2022-05-17 08:05:01 Could not convert document, pages are selected manually.

Please let me know if more information is needed.


I am afraid, I could not find any related logs. Please share some more error details(API response) for investigation.