like this pic image.png (45.7 KB)
how can i open my excel file in my created storage online?I have created a account and upload a excel file. I downloaded the api sdk from github and check the api examples. But I still can not find the most import function like the pic.How can I open the storage excel on line and edit it?
- You may create new storage that binds your storage on
. - There are three ways to add a picture in the workbook.
Please refer to the following online document:
Import|Aspose.Cells Cloud Document
Add Picture in an Excel file|Aspose.Cells Cloud Document
code examples:
public void PostImportApi_picture()
IDictionary<string, Stream> files = new Dictionary<string, Stream>();
files.Add(BOOK1, GetTestDataStream(BOOK1));
files.Add(MYDOC, GetTestDataStream(MYDOC));
ImportPictureOption data = new ImportPictureOption();
data.DestinationWorksheet = SHEET1;
data.LowerRightColumn = 21;
data.LowerRightRow = 23;
data.UpperLeftColumn = 10;
data.UpperLeftRow = 13;
data.ImportDataType = “Picture”;
data.Data = GetTestDataBase64String(“WaterMark.png”);
var filesResult = instance.PostImport(files, data);
Assert.IsInstanceOf(filesResult, “response is AccessTokenResponse”);
public void CellsPicturesPutWorksheetAddPictureTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
string name = BOOK1;
string sheetName = SHEET6;
int? upperLeftRow = 1;
int? upperLeftColumn = 1;
int? lowerRightRow = 10;
int? lowerRightColumn = 10;
string picturePath = "WaterMark.png";
string folder = TEMPFOLDER;
Picture picture = new Picture();
picture.SourceFullName = folder + "\\" + picturePath;
picture.UpperLeftRow = 1;
picture.UpperLeftColumn = 1;
picture.LowerRightRow = 10;
picture.LowerRightColumn = 10;
//picture = null;
UpdateDataFile(instance,folder, name);
UpdateDataFile(instance,folder, picturePath);
var response = instance.CellsPicturesPutWorksheetAddPicture(name, sheetName,picture, upperLeftRow, upperLeftColumn, lowerRightRow, lowerRightColumn, folder + "\\" + picturePath, folder);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<CellsCloudResponse>(response, "response is PicturesResponse");
Assert.AreEqual(response.Code, 200);
public void CellsWorkbookPostImportDataPicTest()
// TODO uncomment below to test the method and replace null with proper value
string name = BOOK1;
ImportPictureOption data = new ImportPictureOption();
data.DestinationWorksheet = SHEET1;
data.LowerRightColumn = 21;
data.LowerRightRow = 23;
data.UpperLeftColumn = 10;
data.UpperLeftRow = 13;
data.ImportDataType = “Picture”;
data.Data = GetTestDataBase64String(“WaterMark.png”);
string folder = TEMPFOLDER;
UpdateDataFile(instance, TEMPFOLDER, BOOK1);
var response = instance.CellsWorkbookPostImportData(name, data, folder);
Assert.IsInstanceOf<CellsCloudResponse>(response, "response is CellsCloudResponse");
Assert.AreEqual(response.Code, 200);
理解错了 我意思说怎么实现在线编辑功能。我要在web上点击文档然后自动跳转到在线编辑的页面实现在线编辑管理文档功能。就像这个图那样的功能。image.png (48.7 KB)
You understand me wrong. I mean how to edit excel online by programe. I want to click the document on the web, and then automatically jump to the page of online editing function . Functions like this figure