Http 503 on convert call

We get an error connecting from Salesforce.
If I get this message I try it from Postman and there it always succeeds so far.
Then retrying in Salesforce and works again.
The request we do is:
clientid: c9b3ac34-26a6-4b50-8d36-38a21363b618

HTTP Request failed with status code 503:


The remote host or network may be down or blocking requests from publicproxy. Please verify acls at the origin

  • Check with destination team if they have implemented some allow-listing mechanism. Note: If destination endpoint is hosted on ingress gateway ( #managed-mesh-support ) can guide if they are blocking requests.
  • In case of no issues at destination team, check the destination firewall/security groups for access. Reach out to #soter-support for assistance
  • Reach out to the slack channel #outbound_access if the issue persists

client: (CONNECT) → (proxy) -X->

Plain Text


error: (110) Connection timed out
[No Error Detail]

@akoops Hello, we checked your calls and found that some of them had incorrect authorization information, which resulted in failure to return correctly. Other calls returned normally and no 503 error message was found. It may be caused by network fluctuations. If you still encounter this problem later, you can provide the detailed call time and we will help you check and handle it.

@xuejianzhang in the code I now make sure to get a new token every time we call the api, but I still get the 503, I tried it 15:42 Amsterdam time:

HTTP Request failed with status code 503: ERR_CONNECT_FAIL


The remote host or network may be down or blocking requests from publicproxy. Please verify acls at the origin

  • Check with destination team if they have implemented some allow-listing mechanism. Note: If destination endpoint is hosted on ingress gateway ( #managed-mesh-support ) can guide if they are blocking requests.
  • In case of no issues at destination team, check the destination firewall/security groups for access. Reach out to #soter-support for assistance
  • Reach out to the slack channel #outbound_access if the issue persists
client: (CONNECT) → (proxy) -X->

error: (110) Connection timed out
[No Error Detail]

Generated Mon, 20 Jan 2025 14:42:40 GMT by (squid)

@akoops We have contacted the host to check the server operation status on that day to verify the cause of the 503 problem. We will get back to you as soon as they respond.

@akoops After making some changes, you can try calling it again to see if there is any change.

@xuejianzhang I tried this 11:10 Amsterdam time, still getting this:

HTTP Request failed with status code 503: ERR_CONNECT_FAIL


The remote host or network may be down or blocking requests from publicproxy. Please verify acls at the origin

  • Check with destination team if they have implemented some allow-listing mechanism. Note: If destination endpoint is hosted on ingress gateway ( #managed-mesh-support ) can guide if they are blocking requests.
  • In case of no issues at destination team, check the destination firewall/security groups for access. Reach out to #soter-support for assistance
  • Reach out to the slack channel #outbound_access if the issue persists
client: (CONNECT) → (proxy) -X->

error: (110) Connection timed out
[No Error Detail]

Generated Tue, 21 Jan 2025 10:10:27 GMT by (squid)

@xuejianzhang alternative would be to use the Aspose Cells library on an own server? Which language is the one used in aspose cloud?

@akoops OK, I will contact the server to check what is causing the 503 error.

@akoops I want to ask, will the 503 error also occur when calling other APIs? If it is convenient, can you provide the session information for accessing the API from Salesforce?
The host team replied that access to the load balancer has been fully opened. Initial suspicion may be caused by insufficient connection timeout, and it is recommended to increase the timeout.