HTML to PDF conversion broken


we’ve been using the /html/convert/pdf POST endpoint for a couple of projects for quite a while but lately we’ve been seeing failures in our applications’ telemetry.
When debugging the API calls the process just seems to go on forever until it just times out.
I’ve tried increasing the HTTP client’s timeout to 5 minutes even on our side, but it still doesn’t work (not that that duration would be ok even if it did).
The swagger also seems to be broken: there it just immediately fails with a TypeError: Failed to fetch error.
I tried both the POST and the GET endpoint, both suffer from the same issue.
Is anyone else facing similar issues?
Please look into this asap!


Please note that we have already released API version 4.0 of Aspose.HTML Cloud. And switched all SDKs of Aspose.HTML Cloud to V4.0 at the beginning of this year. Now we have disabled the v3.0 endpoint, and it will not be working anymore. So if you are still using v3.0, then please switch to v4.0. Please refer to the following v4.0 documentation for HTML to PDF and feel free to contact us for any assistance in this regard.

Hi, thanks for clarifying that.

Was there ever any communication about this v3.0 deprecation?
We completely missed this; I’d like to know how that could happen.
Do you not have any sunset headers on those endpoints?
Is there a channel or feed one should sign up in to be notified of these kinds of things?

We don’t use any of your SDKs because back in the day none of them were awaitable (C#), so we wrote our own clients. That probably also contributed to us missing this change. But if you offer a public API, consumers should still be made aware some other way.

Is there a swagger for v4.0?


We are truly sorry the inconvenience. We have mentioned this information in the documentation.

We are working on it(HTMLCLOUD-1806), and it will be published. For the moment, you can check the cURL examples in the documentation for reference. However, please let us know if you need help with some specific feature, and we will guide you accordingly.

I’m sorry but how does “mentioning it in the documentation” notify anyone who’s not actively looking at it?
Are you saying that is literally the only place it was “communicated”? No mailing list? No sunset response headers on deprecated endpoints? No posts on social media announcing the future deprecation? etc
Please tell me I’m missing something here, because if I’m not then this is incredibly bad customer experience and we will seriously look into alternatives to your services.

Thank you, noted.


I am further looking into this and will update you soon.